How does this event compare to the on-demand course found within the Business Made Simple platform?

The fundamentals of the content covered in our The Customer is the Hero Live Sales Workshop can be found within the course by the same name under “Step 3: Sales” in the BMS platform. The standout benefit of attending live is the coaching breakout component. You will join a group of attendees in processing and applying the content covered! Additionally, if you opt for VIP registration, you also enjoy a (virtual) 30-minute review of any one piece of your sales collateral.

Where do I find my access information for the event?

If you have successfully registered, you will receive a “Final Details” email from by Friday, November 11th. It will have all the final details you need (digital downloads, coaching assignment/link, and Livestream link). If, after the 11th, you do not see it, please email to provide an alternate email address. We will be happy to re-send!

How do I access my coaching room?

In the Final Details email you receive from, you will see a link to access the Livestream page. On that page, you will see a button to join your coaching room in the top right corner. This button will not appear until 9:00 am CT. If it is past that time and you do not see the button, please refresh your page.

What timezone is the livestream happening in?

All times are Central time US. To find out what this means for you, use this handy dandy time zone converter.

What internet speed is needed to watch the livestream without interruption?

If you have at least 5 mbps speed, you will be set! Ideally, it will be 15 mbps or higher but a minimum of 5 is needed.

Can my teammate and I both join using the links I was provided?

Only the registered attendee will be granted access to a breakout room. Anyone not officially registered will not be permitted into the training. Thank you!

What is the schedule?

Tuesday, November 15th, 2022

9:00 AM – Join coaching room for introductions

9:30 AM – Livestream begins

12:10 PM – One-hour lunch

1:10 PM – Livestream resumes

4:35 PM – Livestream presentation concludes

Do you recommend a browser?

You may use whichever you prefer! Chrome, Firefox, Safari… your pick!

Who do I contact if I am having technical issues not addressed here?

For technical support and answers to any of your questions throughout the livestream, you can always reach us at or (615) 915-1541.

Non-training related questions during the event? You’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions about the content and topics in your coaching group or of your coach. If you have a question that’s not directly related to the training or discussion at hand, you can contact us at